If the property sells for more than the amount owed to the foreclosing lender, you might be able to claim the excess funds. Allow our attorney to determine if this is the right course of action for you.
When a house is foreclosed on and the lender receives more money than the amount owed, this extra sum is called an excess proceed. Without filing to reclaim this money, the surplus funds will be deposited with the appropriate county treasurer.
If you believe that your foreclosed home sold with this extra sum of money, give our knowledgeable attorney a call. Because a court proceeding is required, you'll want an experienced courtroom lawyer on your side.
Our Arizona practice now concentrates primarily on recovery of excess proceeds from foreclosures. Ralph Wilkerson first became aware of the excess proceeds process when working as an Assistant Arizona Attorney General. Since then, he has developed significant knowledge and experience in the field, having been litigating this type of case for over 15 years.
Our office does not charge clients for services unless there is a recovery made in your excess proceeds case.
Excess Proceeds from Trustee's Sale in Arizona
Our office is driven to help protect the rights of ordinary people and families. Call: